Auditory Neuropathy Information

My Favorite Links

Listen-Up Web- This is the best site on the web to find information about hearing impairment.

Raising Deaf Kids Website

Kernicterus Website-Kernicterus and Newborn Jaundice Online

HearingExchange-Exchanging Ideas & Information on Hearing Loss

How the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Applies to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students-A MUST READ article by Celeste Johnson, MA, who is the parent of a deaf adult and advocates for deaf children and their educational rights.

Focus On Hearing-Great Website about advocacy

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
3417 Volta Place, NW
Washington, DC 2007-2778
(202) 337-5220 (Voice/TTY)

Louisiana State University Medical Center -Frequent updates about auditory neuropathy.

Cued Speech -Information about Cued Speech.

Beginnings For Parents of Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.-Offers a wide variety of services to families of deaf children.

The SKI-HI Institute-Provides excellent family-centered, home-based programs for infants and young children, ages birth to five, with hearing and vision impairments and other disabilities.

Parent's Wish List-List of information that parents of a deaf or hard of hearing child feel the audiologist needs to share with them.

An Inner Ear Primer-General information about how the hearing apparatus functions

Natural Communication, Inc.-A nonprofit organization in Northeast Ohio -- is defined by its purpose: to benefit children who are deaf or hard of hearing through support, information, and encouragement to their parents and families. Supports the Auditory Verbal Method.